These photos were taken on my iPhone from March to December of 2020.

I left my hometown in Oregon two weeks before the pandemic broke out and wound up in Galveston, Texas when the entire world shut down. Instead of going home, I decided to keep driving and wandering.

I went back to Oregon in late April. About a month later, I saw what had happened in Minneapolis and decided to drive out there.

The rest of the summer consisted of me traveling up and down the west coast — from Seattle to Portland and anywhere I could access that had some sort of protests bubbling.

In early September, Oregon was struck with record breaking wildfires and my home county had the third worst fire in the state that year. I decided pretty impulsively to join a fire crew to assist in any way that I could. The fires wore on until early November when the rains finally began to set in.

It had been a long year up until this point and I felt like ending the year on a high note. In December, a few friends and I decided to pool together our money and we made a 3,000 mile loop around the western US, visiting places like White Sands, NM to the Grand Canyon to Joshua Tree.

2020 was probably the greatest year of my life for so many reasons; but most importantly, it created my love for photography and a passion for documenting. If I hadn’t spontaneously quit the job that had been bogging me down for years and set off on the open road, I don’t know what I’d be doing with myself.

